It’s easy to feel tired when the weather is gloomy, but your tiredness may be caused by more than just the winter weather. Check out our blog to learn about the effects of vitamin D:
Ever wake up feeling tired, even after a full night’s sleep? While it may be true you just had a restless night, a lack of vitamin D can also cause you to feel more tired than usual. In fact, not only can a vitamin D deficiency cause fatigue, but it also can affect other body functions. Luckily, there are plenty of easy, healthy ways to increase your vitamin D intake, even if you can’t soak up the sun every day. Read on for tips!
The Mayo Clinic’s recommended daily amount of vitamin D is 1,000 to 2,000 IU (for context, one cup of milk has about 100 IU of vitamin D). However, certain factors including age can alter someone’s recommended daily intake of vitamin D. If you are unsure about your recommended amount, consult a medical professional to determine your goal.
It’s easy to not get enough vitamin D, especially when you spend less time outdoors during the winter or have a job that doesn’t allow you to get outside very often. While many of the symptoms below can reflect other health conditions, vitamin D deficiency should be considered.
If you think you might be deficient, there are plenty of easy changes you can make to get more vitamin D throughout the day and help boost your health. The following are some easy ways to take in more vitamin D:
If you still have symptoms after making these suggested changes, you may want to consult your physician. Your physician can perform routine blood work to determine if you are severely deficient and may prescribe a higher dose of vitamin D or other treatments.
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