Patient First Community News

Community Relations News


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We enjoy partnering with many sports organizations, but each year the Little League sponsorships near our centers always seem to catch a special place in our hearts. 

There's nothing quite like hearing or even singing "Take me out to the ball game," and it is even more special for us when we are at a game and see our Patient First name on team jerseys, or our banner hung at ball parks.

This year we were excited to be invited to participate in Opening Day activities for the Cherry Hill American Little League in New Jersey. And, what a great day we had! We have been a sponsor for many years, but this was the first time we had the opportunity to join everyone on site for the Opening Day festivities.

One of the day's highlights was meeting the Coach of "our" Patient First team, along with several of our team players, their moms, their dads, and their families. They were all so happy to see us, and thankful for our sponsorship support.

If it had just have been about 20 degrees warmer and without wind, our day could have been called perfect. But blue skies and bright sunshine prevailed, making it a beautiful day to be among the hundreds of people who came out to cheer on their teams.

Cherry Hill's team (the bigger boys) won the National Championship last year, and they were honored by having the whole team out to join the festivities. It was great inspiration for the younger players to look up to the older athletes. It's the local Little League where the national winners got their start!

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